Thursday, April 5, 2007

I Must Not Lose

I was searching some of the other DWC member's blogs, and I saw that Srav also had two posts. I could not let her beat me, so I'm posting again. Today, I had my first Bio Lab of my college career. I got to use a microscope which I haven't done since freshmen year in high school. My lab instructor was so laid back. It was amazing. After class, I went to dinner with my friend from across the hall. Apparently tonight was cupcake night at the Hahns. I got to icing my own cupcake. Plus the dining hall also added a new Edy's Ice Cream machine. I got the Snickers flavored ice cream. It was amazing. I would highly suggest it to anyone that ever goes to the cafe. Well I have to get a few more things done for DWC before tomorrow. I shall not be defeated in terms of postings!

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