Saturday, April 14, 2007

DC Trip (So Far)

I am currently sitting on my friend's bed, while I write this post. My friend goes to American University. She came to visit me awhile back, so I thought I'd return the favor. Although it is almost 2pm, we are going to take a nap. I have come to love and enjoy the action of napping. It is the best way to get everything done the day before it is due. I don't like to procrastinate, but sometimes I just can't help it. My friend and I went to the National Mall (aka where the monument are located). I'll be uploading the photos from the Mall, once I get back. I tried to go art-sy once again. I'm not too sure how good the pictures are. I would just like to throw this out there... I believe that I have matured over the short time that I have been at college. I have started to appreciate new things and understand more pertaining to the world around me. I hope that everyone can relate to the new level of maturity that comes so quickly in just one year in college. Well time for that nap! Night folks!

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