Sunday, April 15, 2007

Finally Home

I just finished unpacking all of my clothes for the weekend. Apparently, today wasn't my day to walk home from 30th Street Station with a tiny umbrella. It was raining just a bit, and my bags were soaked. I guess it was my own fault for over-packing (as per usual of course), but the rain didn't have to seep through my bags to get my stuff wet. Regardless, I am currently in the tumble dry cycle in terms of washing my clothes. I have another 31 minutes before the cycle is complete. I only know the time thanks to LaundryView. As long as I'm on the Drexel network, I can see each of the washers and dryers. The site gives the status of the unit plus how much time is remaining. It is the ultimate in laziness. I love this school. Drexel is just helping me out in my pursuit of gaining another 5 pounds to get me my Freshmen 15.

Note: The Freshmen 15 is not always bad. I'm a bit (read: severely) underweight. I have a high metabolism, and I have trouble putting on weight. My doctor literally told me that I should attempt to gain 40 pounds instead of 15. So the Freshmen 15 do exist as long as you don't make an effort to work it off. I know that I need it, so I put forward no effort.

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