Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Weekend

Since my family had to work up until Friday night, I decided to not fly home for Easter. I mean I was just home a week prior for spring break. I didn't feel it was necessary to waste that money. My friend from across the hall invited me over her house for Easter. (It was actually her mom, but who really cares?) So my friend let me borrow her king sized bed which was a step up from my home in Pittsburgh. We went shopping and had lunch with her best friend. It was quite a good time. We went to the local mall, and we went into my new favorite store, H&M. I honestly love this store so much. The only problem is that I didn't find anything that tickled my fancy. Then on Sunday, my friend's family took me to the big family dinner. I tried some new foods, but since I'm so picky, I didn't find anything new and exciting. Overall though, it was a wonderful weekend. I needed to relax because I didn't do that over spring break. My spring break consisted of constant motion, and that gets a little tiring. Well, it is time to finish my breakfast. Then, I'll be off to class.

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