Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First Post

So I just got my orders to post for the first time on my new blog. I haven't blogged in quite some time. I usually just blog in order to get it posted on facebook. Facebook has this nifty feature that imports all of my most recent posts as a note. I would just like to start out saying that I love Facebook. It really makes my life complete. I would highly suggest anyone who currently owns a MySpace or other social network account to sign up for Facebook. I don't have a MySpace, but that is only because I have strict moral beliefs against it. Don't ask me about my beliefs. I don't have just one reason. So now onward to my day... Today was the second day of Spring Term. I had a meeting with my Co-op Coordinator, and she set me up to apply for jobs starting next month. I got to apply to the NSA through the co-op office. I can't wait to find out if I got the job for the fall. The NSA requires government clearances, so I had to be proactive on this one. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Edit: Thank you grammar police for editing my post.

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