Thursday, August 2, 2007

Just In Time

I would just like to start out thanking everyone that came to visit me, while I was in the hospital. I understand that not all of my friends lived close enough (aka everyone from Drexel) to come and visit. For those people, thank you for all the text messages and various online response methods. As I write this post, I am laying in my bed at home. I got out yesterday around 5:30pm. I was so excited to be wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair. I am feeling much better, and now I have to start packing for vacation. I am heading to Myrtle Beach with my father's side of the family. Since my sister and I fall in an age bracket in between our cousins and second cousins, it gets a bit lonely. The only way to combat this is to either hang out with the youngsters or invite our own friends. I decided to invite my friend Amanda Olar for such a trek with the Sawford Family. I told Amanda that I want to sleep all day, but apparently, she has other plans that include the beach. I would now like to point out that my father and I hate the beach. I have a minor case of OCD, so I don't like the beach. I end up showering about three times a day. With my recent surgery, I will now be taking longer showers, since the right side of my chest is covered in scars and stitches. Even though I might not enjoy the trip, my surgery almost cost my immediate family the entire trip. If I was unable to go on the trip, my family was going to cancel it. I really didn't want to have such a burden due to a fluke in the genetic lottery (7 in 100,000 men have a spontaneous pneumothorax while in their 20's). Well it is time for my first real shower at home. I'm a little excited and a little scared. Thanks again everyone for your kind (and occasionally not so kind ) words of encouragement.

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