Sunday, August 26, 2007

Virtually Lonely

This weekend once again marks one of the longest months of my life. This is by the worst thing about going to Drexel. I have to sit back and wait, until it is my time to move in to my sophomore housing. All of my friends have left for college, and I now must sit at home alone. I do, however, know that I am not alone. This the longest stretch for everyone. Last year, I was able to overcome this loneliness by visiting various people at their college. If one is able to visit local colleges, I would suggest making the trip. It helps to pass the time. I remember people always discussing that they worked in the final month before Drexel. This is the best time to get those extra hours at one's summer employment. During this last month, I will be returning to my job from last summer. Up until this point, they have had no need for me. Now that everyone left though, they need me. Being the person that I am, I accepted. I plan on working enough to get some last minute cash, but I plan on visiting some more people at college. I seriously have tried to visit everyone that was humanly possible with my hatred for long distance travels. Once the stragglers leave next weekend, it will be me all alone. I'll have my family and my thoughts. I really don't enjoy free time. It gives me the ability to access my life. I don't enjoy going down that dark path. It ends up being a very destructive segment of my life. Most of my worst thoughts stem from the dark portions of my brain. I could go into a whole dissertation about my skewed pattern of thoughts. It might be healthy for me to write down such problems and address them accordingly, but I don't feel it would benefit my reader(s) in any way. I guess I'll just have to struggle with my mental battlefield.

Sorry this post isn't as exciting or uplifting as some of the rest. If you are looking for happiness, I would suggest looking elsewhere on another blog. Thanks again though if you actually made it to the end of my post. It shows that I might actually be semi-interesting.

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