Friday, July 27, 2007

Only Me...

I deeply apologize to everyone that wanted an exciting post from me the last couple of weeks. I was going to post last Friday night after I went to the Carnegie Science Center with a few of my friends. The Science Center is Pittsburgh's version of the Franklin Institute. I just haven't made it home yet to post about the exciting trip. I'll make sure (once I get to my camera) to post all of the pictures that I took, while we were there. Below will a short outline of my week's events.

Please note: All times are approximate

Friday, July 20th
9:30am - Leave my house to pick up friends / Chest begins to hurt while driving
10:50am - Finally pick everyone up / Take Advil just in case I was having a heart attack
11:30am - 3:30pm - Enjoy the Science Center with plenty of chest pain and Canadians
4:30pm - Check-in at doctor's office for chest pain
5:30pm - Get chest x-ray
6:00pm - Check-in to Emergency Room / Find out I have a 20-25% Spontaneous Pneumothorax
8:00pm - Admitted to hospital for overnight stay / Receive mask for continuous intake of oxygen

Saturday, July 21st
6:00am - Daily Chest X-ray
8:00am - Doctors explain Spontaneous Pneumothorax (Note: I had a Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax)

Sunday, July 22nd
7:00am - Left room for the Operating Room
7:15am - Met anesthesiologist and surgeon
8:00am - Surgery!
9:30am - Left Surgery for a day of recovery in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Monday, July 23rd
4:00am - Finally get to bed after being completely uncomfortable even while heavily medicated
6:00am - Daily Chest X-Ray / Found out I was bleeding out onto the bed from the surgery and movement from 4am
1:00pm - Move to Post-Surgical Floor

Tuesday, July 24th
Daily Chest X-ray / Blood work / Sleep

Wednesday, July 25th
Normal Daily Stuff
5:00pm - Attempt #1 to get out chest tube
5:03pm - Lung completely deflates / Extremely short of breath
5:05pm - Body enters a Near-Vasovagal Syncope
5:30pm - "STAT" Chest X-ray
5:45pm - Insert a new and smaller chest tube
6:00pm - Semi-legit STAT Chest X-ray

Thursday, July 26th
Normal Daily Stuff

Friday, July 27th (Today)
Normal Daily Stuff

So my life has been a bit hectic regarding my hospital visit. The next attempt to remove the new chest tube will be on Sunday. I must get better before next Friday though, because I'm going on vacation to Myrtle Beach, and I'm taking Amanda Olar with me. I would like to thank everyone that has come and visited me so far, since I've been in the hospital. I understand that not everyone could come and visit, and each of your text messages have made my stay here a bit easier. I thank everyone for everything. It truly has made life so much better.

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