Friday, August 31, 2007

End of Time (Most Likely Posts Though)

The last blog post I made was a bit depressing, and I do apologize for that post. I was just trying to get over everyone leaving me again. I have spent some time with the last standing college comrade, Chris Tomnay. He has kept home life interesting, since there isn't anything to in this town. As soon as Chris leaves though, I'm seriously all alone again. It isn't going to be fun.

I decided to return to Volkweins for the remainder of the summer. It will give me some extra funding and keep me busy. The last couple of days, I have been preparing for Customer Appreciation Day at work. We converted two warehouse rooms into "Super-Mega Blow-Out" clearance rooms. I highly suggest any interested in musical instruments, sheet music, free food, or prizes to stop by our Pittsburgh store tomorrow (Saturday, September 1st). I will be working and possibly helping out at the registers.

After I finish my work at Volkweins, I will be preparing for my return voyage to Drexel. I will be co-oping for Undergraduate Admissions. I'm really excited to be working with the incoming students and alongside my friends. So if anyone would like to see me, I'll certainly be around campus for the fall and winter quarters.

I would also like to end with a comment regarding this blog. It was initially created for incoming freshmen as a way to transition into the lifestyle of a college student, and I would like to think that this blog initially served its purpose. Eventually, the blog began to revolve around my life, and it strayed a bit from its objective. Since the freshmen will soon be entering Drexel, the need for my blog is no more. I might choose to return and post a few things, when I get bored. I can't make any promises, but I can say that Facebook automatically imports all of my posts, so I might decide to write something from time to time just to keep it active. It was wonderful have readers from the blogosphere and the Facebook community. I expect future posts just to be reflections on my feelings or exciting occurrences in my life. Thanks again everyone for your readership.

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