Friday, August 31, 2007

End of Time (Most Likely Posts Though)

The last blog post I made was a bit depressing, and I do apologize for that post. I was just trying to get over everyone leaving me again. I have spent some time with the last standing college comrade, Chris Tomnay. He has kept home life interesting, since there isn't anything to in this town. As soon as Chris leaves though, I'm seriously all alone again. It isn't going to be fun.

I decided to return to Volkweins for the remainder of the summer. It will give me some extra funding and keep me busy. The last couple of days, I have been preparing for Customer Appreciation Day at work. We converted two warehouse rooms into "Super-Mega Blow-Out" clearance rooms. I highly suggest any interested in musical instruments, sheet music, free food, or prizes to stop by our Pittsburgh store tomorrow (Saturday, September 1st). I will be working and possibly helping out at the registers.

After I finish my work at Volkweins, I will be preparing for my return voyage to Drexel. I will be co-oping for Undergraduate Admissions. I'm really excited to be working with the incoming students and alongside my friends. So if anyone would like to see me, I'll certainly be around campus for the fall and winter quarters.

I would also like to end with a comment regarding this blog. It was initially created for incoming freshmen as a way to transition into the lifestyle of a college student, and I would like to think that this blog initially served its purpose. Eventually, the blog began to revolve around my life, and it strayed a bit from its objective. Since the freshmen will soon be entering Drexel, the need for my blog is no more. I might choose to return and post a few things, when I get bored. I can't make any promises, but I can say that Facebook automatically imports all of my posts, so I might decide to write something from time to time just to keep it active. It was wonderful have readers from the blogosphere and the Facebook community. I expect future posts just to be reflections on my feelings or exciting occurrences in my life. Thanks again everyone for your readership.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Virtually Lonely

This weekend once again marks one of the longest months of my life. This is by the worst thing about going to Drexel. I have to sit back and wait, until it is my time to move in to my sophomore housing. All of my friends have left for college, and I now must sit at home alone. I do, however, know that I am not alone. This the longest stretch for everyone. Last year, I was able to overcome this loneliness by visiting various people at their college. If one is able to visit local colleges, I would suggest making the trip. It helps to pass the time. I remember people always discussing that they worked in the final month before Drexel. This is the best time to get those extra hours at one's summer employment. During this last month, I will be returning to my job from last summer. Up until this point, they have had no need for me. Now that everyone left though, they need me. Being the person that I am, I accepted. I plan on working enough to get some last minute cash, but I plan on visiting some more people at college. I seriously have tried to visit everyone that was humanly possible with my hatred for long distance travels. Once the stragglers leave next weekend, it will be me all alone. I'll have my family and my thoughts. I really don't enjoy free time. It gives me the ability to access my life. I don't enjoy going down that dark path. It ends up being a very destructive segment of my life. Most of my worst thoughts stem from the dark portions of my brain. I could go into a whole dissertation about my skewed pattern of thoughts. It might be healthy for me to write down such problems and address them accordingly, but I don't feel it would benefit my reader(s) in any way. I guess I'll just have to struggle with my mental battlefield.

Sorry this post isn't as exciting or uplifting as some of the rest. If you are looking for happiness, I would suggest looking elsewhere on another blog. Thanks again though if you actually made it to the end of my post. It shows that I might actually be semi-interesting.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

All Time Low

Once again, I had another crazy dream. This time it consisted of the entire cast of Scrubs. My life is pretty sad. I have been watching a few episodes of Scrubs everyday. I wake up early, and I watch Scrubs nonstop until about noon. I have completed the first, fifth, and six seasons. I am about half way complete on the second season. I started watching Scrubs while sitting in the hospital. It is slightly odd that I picked up a love for a hospital television show, while in the hospital. One would think that I would have had enough, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Well I stayed up quite late last night, and I had to wake up early to ensure that my sister completed her summer reading projects, so I'm heading back to bed for a nap. I hope that I dream of something wonderful.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Conductor's Walk

Conductor's Walk, originally uploaded by bsawford.

Brad really likes this picture, so I uploaded it to my deviantART account, and now I'm just putting it on my blog. I really want to get more into photography, but I have trouble sometimes finding time. Hopefully, the end of the summer will turn out well for my amateur photography career.

Beach Over... Now Post

I just got home from Myrtle Beach with my friend Amanda. It was quite an experience. I really enjoyed myself. After being in the hospital for about two weeks, I needed a break. I went to the beach on the first day without sunscreen. Needless to say, my skin decided to turn a bright shade of pink. After the burning subsided, I went back outside to attempt to gain a tan. In the end, my tan turned out quite well. My legs are still a little bit warm, but they might also be warm, because I have my laptop on my lap. My sister took a "few" pictures while at the beach. So feel free to search through the ones that I am tagged in via Facebook. On a side note, I noticed on Srav's blog the summer DWC blog list. I guess I have to get my act together. With everything going on at home, there hasn't been much time for me to stalk. I'll get through this tough time in my life. On a brighter note, my mother just suggested getting Subway for dinner. I can't wait to get a foot-long Italian BMT with lettuce, tomato, pickles, and lots of Italian dressing. Off to Dinner Land!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Just In Time

I would just like to start out thanking everyone that came to visit me, while I was in the hospital. I understand that not all of my friends lived close enough (aka everyone from Drexel) to come and visit. For those people, thank you for all the text messages and various online response methods. As I write this post, I am laying in my bed at home. I got out yesterday around 5:30pm. I was so excited to be wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair. I am feeling much better, and now I have to start packing for vacation. I am heading to Myrtle Beach with my father's side of the family. Since my sister and I fall in an age bracket in between our cousins and second cousins, it gets a bit lonely. The only way to combat this is to either hang out with the youngsters or invite our own friends. I decided to invite my friend Amanda Olar for such a trek with the Sawford Family. I told Amanda that I want to sleep all day, but apparently, she has other plans that include the beach. I would now like to point out that my father and I hate the beach. I have a minor case of OCD, so I don't like the beach. I end up showering about three times a day. With my recent surgery, I will now be taking longer showers, since the right side of my chest is covered in scars and stitches. Even though I might not enjoy the trip, my surgery almost cost my immediate family the entire trip. If I was unable to go on the trip, my family was going to cancel it. I really didn't want to have such a burden due to a fluke in the genetic lottery (7 in 100,000 men have a spontaneous pneumothorax while in their 20's). Well it is time for my first real shower at home. I'm a little excited and a little scared. Thanks again everyone for your kind (and occasionally not so kind ) words of encouragement.