Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Freshie Engie

Yesterday my group presented our Freshmen Engineering Design Project. It entailed a conversion of a preexisting squash court in the athletic center to a rock-climbing facility. The group had to access the physics and budgetary aspects of the design while still maintaining a certain level of engineering. At a first glance, the project seemed to be only a business presentation, but after watching our presentation, the engineering aspects were clearly apparent. One of the group members actually created technical drawings for the project by using Inventor. He then converted the drawings into a scaled-down model. His contribution to the team allowed our group to excel to an amazing level. At the conclusion of our presentation, we decided to get a few pictures to commemorate the project and the culmination of freshmen year. Don't try to judge us on the choice in colors and ties. We thought we would make it as terrible looking as possible. If you notice the paper in the photo (most likely now that I stated it, you'll notice it), it was a tally sheet of how many times each member said "um" during the presentation. I successfully only said it once. Our professor doesn't look too excited in the photo, so don't judge him either. I wish I was majoring in civil engineering just to have this man again the future. Enjoy the photos!

Team 001-01
Team w/Dr. Cheng


Srav said...

that's some pretty sweet matching you've got going on there. i especially like that the only girl in your group is wearing a tie as well. classic! =)

Al said...

hahaha... engineers are amusing