Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Oh So Classy

I just got out of my Biology midterm. I believe that I did quite well this time around. I made quite an effort with studying. I have been taking oodles of notes during lecture, and then I studied the PowerPoint presentations that my professor uses in lecture. I am in such a great mood, since I did so well. Well back to exciting stuff other than bio. This weekend, I went to the DZ (Semi-)Formal. I went with my friend that lives across the hall from me. She was an amazing date. It was my first sorority event. The weekend prior, I went to Center City to go shopping for a matching color shirt and tie. She decided to wear turquoise, but apparently men's dress shirts don't exist in that color and my size. The only place I could find that would make me look nice was Express. The dinner was excellent, and I made quite a few new friends. I never really saw myself hanging around sorority girls, but I guess I was just playing off the stereotype. The actual DZ girls were so much fun, but I also enjoyed myself at the other (semi-)formal this week. I went with one of my other female friends. It was the first annual Tri-Beta Gala. One of the other DWC members is the secretary for the Bio Fraternity. (It is a co-ed fraternity.) It was a wonderful time. My date and I stole a Beta Fish and a bamboo rod. I'll upload pictures later, once I get back to my room and remember to do it. Well I'm off. *Bows and takes hat off to bid adieu*

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