Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Crazy Long Time

I decided to entitle this post after a wonderful little diddy that one of my fellow DWC members uttered to me a few minutes ago. I made her repeat the statement just to make sure that I heard exactly what she had said. Well I am currently sitting on the computer because I'm a bit bored. I hope that people actually read these posts. I always try to post some of the exciting things I do around the city to keep my readers interested. On Friday, I went with a few of my friends to First Friday. First Friday is an event in Old City when all of the art galleries are open to the public. Lots of people swarm the streets in hopes of finding the perfect piece of Philadelphian artwork. I really enjoyed the one photography gallery. Lots of the artwork was abstract. I don't really enjoy abstract art. If I had to choose a favorite art form other than photography, I would choose French Impressionism specifically Monet. In my junior year of high school, the French classes did an Impressionism unit. We learned about quite a few artists around that time period. Here is a quick link to the Wikipedia article on Impressionism. I would highly suggest anyone interested in French artwork to meander on over to the page.


Al said...

Seriously? You made a post concerning French Impressionism?


Brian said...

Leave me alone Aiken! I enjoy French Impressionism.