Friday, July 27, 2007

Only Me...

I deeply apologize to everyone that wanted an exciting post from me the last couple of weeks. I was going to post last Friday night after I went to the Carnegie Science Center with a few of my friends. The Science Center is Pittsburgh's version of the Franklin Institute. I just haven't made it home yet to post about the exciting trip. I'll make sure (once I get to my camera) to post all of the pictures that I took, while we were there. Below will a short outline of my week's events.

Please note: All times are approximate

Friday, July 20th
9:30am - Leave my house to pick up friends / Chest begins to hurt while driving
10:50am - Finally pick everyone up / Take Advil just in case I was having a heart attack
11:30am - 3:30pm - Enjoy the Science Center with plenty of chest pain and Canadians
4:30pm - Check-in at doctor's office for chest pain
5:30pm - Get chest x-ray
6:00pm - Check-in to Emergency Room / Find out I have a 20-25% Spontaneous Pneumothorax
8:00pm - Admitted to hospital for overnight stay / Receive mask for continuous intake of oxygen

Saturday, July 21st
6:00am - Daily Chest X-ray
8:00am - Doctors explain Spontaneous Pneumothorax (Note: I had a Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax)

Sunday, July 22nd
7:00am - Left room for the Operating Room
7:15am - Met anesthesiologist and surgeon
8:00am - Surgery!
9:30am - Left Surgery for a day of recovery in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Monday, July 23rd
4:00am - Finally get to bed after being completely uncomfortable even while heavily medicated
6:00am - Daily Chest X-Ray / Found out I was bleeding out onto the bed from the surgery and movement from 4am
1:00pm - Move to Post-Surgical Floor

Tuesday, July 24th
Daily Chest X-ray / Blood work / Sleep

Wednesday, July 25th
Normal Daily Stuff
5:00pm - Attempt #1 to get out chest tube
5:03pm - Lung completely deflates / Extremely short of breath
5:05pm - Body enters a Near-Vasovagal Syncope
5:30pm - "STAT" Chest X-ray
5:45pm - Insert a new and smaller chest tube
6:00pm - Semi-legit STAT Chest X-ray

Thursday, July 26th
Normal Daily Stuff

Friday, July 27th (Today)
Normal Daily Stuff

So my life has been a bit hectic regarding my hospital visit. The next attempt to remove the new chest tube will be on Sunday. I must get better before next Friday though, because I'm going on vacation to Myrtle Beach, and I'm taking Amanda Olar with me. I would like to thank everyone that has come and visited me so far, since I've been in the hospital. I understand that not everyone could come and visit, and each of your text messages have made my stay here a bit easier. I thank everyone for everything. It truly has made life so much better.

Monday, July 9, 2007

This Is for Stalkerbook not LameSpace

I refuse to get a MySpace, but I just wanted to see what my relationships thoughts were according to this online quiz. It seems to fit me quite perfectly. Feel free to read if you have a few more moments to waste. Let's hope my blog's auto-formatting won't mess up the following table.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Golf Lessons

Since I'm just sitting on my couch, I thought I'd just continue to blog post. I don't need Srav on my case anymore. I would like to give everyone a little background, before I get into the discussion on golf. In the Western World, each progressing generation strives to better themselves compared to the former. As of now, I'm a middle class American, and like the previous statement, I would like to better myself from my parents' current socio-economical standing. This is partly the reason, I chose engineering. I have a lot of other motivations, but this was just one of the smaller reasons for such a career. My ultimate goal is to become a yuppie. With that said, I have always wanted to take up golf and tennis. Both sports are envied by some and achieved by few. I want to be able to master both sports. Both sports would be used for personal fitness and business purposes. To be able to perform sufficiently well in golf specifically, one may increase the number of business relationships on and off the course. Taking up both sports is more of a business venture on my part. One must always look towards the future. This is just one way that I plan on bettering myself in the future. Stay tuned to see if I reveal any other secrets to my life or gourmet cooking tips.

Birthday & Such

I forgot to update everyone on my trip to the DPhiE formal. I had a really good time, and I hope that is a good enough description for everyone. The only reason I am currently posting is because Srav yelled at me again. Now to the good stuff! Today is my birthday, and I'm twenty. I wrote a note on facebook as of yesterday to thank everyone for saying "Happy Birthday" or some variant. Obviously the note has come with some opposition. I can't believe some people would de-tag themselves just to make me feel bad. Well these "people" need to get over themselves. Actually though, I'm not angry by any means, but I like to try to sound like I'm a mean person. I just can't do it though. Here is one of my commonly used quotes at some sort of gala or event. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to." Thank god for Lesley Gore! Well my mother just made me breakfast, so it is chow time.