Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Oh So Classy

I just got out of my Biology midterm. I believe that I did quite well this time around. I made quite an effort with studying. I have been taking oodles of notes during lecture, and then I studied the PowerPoint presentations that my professor uses in lecture. I am in such a great mood, since I did so well. Well back to exciting stuff other than bio. This weekend, I went to the DZ (Semi-)Formal. I went with my friend that lives across the hall from me. She was an amazing date. It was my first sorority event. The weekend prior, I went to Center City to go shopping for a matching color shirt and tie. She decided to wear turquoise, but apparently men's dress shirts don't exist in that color and my size. The only place I could find that would make me look nice was Express. The dinner was excellent, and I made quite a few new friends. I never really saw myself hanging around sorority girls, but I guess I was just playing off the stereotype. The actual DZ girls were so much fun, but I also enjoyed myself at the other (semi-)formal this week. I went with one of my other female friends. It was the first annual Tri-Beta Gala. One of the other DWC members is the secretary for the Bio Fraternity. (It is a co-ed fraternity.) It was a wonderful time. My date and I stole a Beta Fish and a bamboo rod. I'll upload pictures later, once I get back to my room and remember to do it. Well I'm off. *Bows and takes hat off to bid adieu*

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Freshie Engie

Yesterday my group presented our Freshmen Engineering Design Project. It entailed a conversion of a preexisting squash court in the athletic center to a rock-climbing facility. The group had to access the physics and budgetary aspects of the design while still maintaining a certain level of engineering. At a first glance, the project seemed to be only a business presentation, but after watching our presentation, the engineering aspects were clearly apparent. One of the group members actually created technical drawings for the project by using Inventor. He then converted the drawings into a scaled-down model. His contribution to the team allowed our group to excel to an amazing level. At the conclusion of our presentation, we decided to get a few pictures to commemorate the project and the culmination of freshmen year. Don't try to judge us on the choice in colors and ties. We thought we would make it as terrible looking as possible. If you notice the paper in the photo (most likely now that I stated it, you'll notice it), it was a tally sheet of how many times each member said "um" during the presentation. I successfully only said it once. Our professor doesn't look too excited in the photo, so don't judge him either. I wish I was majoring in civil engineering just to have this man again the future. Enjoy the photos!

Team 001-01
Team w/Dr. Cheng

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Crazy Long Time

I decided to entitle this post after a wonderful little diddy that one of my fellow DWC members uttered to me a few minutes ago. I made her repeat the statement just to make sure that I heard exactly what she had said. Well I am currently sitting on the computer because I'm a bit bored. I hope that people actually read these posts. I always try to post some of the exciting things I do around the city to keep my readers interested. On Friday, I went with a few of my friends to First Friday. First Friday is an event in Old City when all of the art galleries are open to the public. Lots of people swarm the streets in hopes of finding the perfect piece of Philadelphian artwork. I really enjoyed the one photography gallery. Lots of the artwork was abstract. I don't really enjoy abstract art. If I had to choose a favorite art form other than photography, I would choose French Impressionism specifically Monet. In my junior year of high school, the French classes did an Impressionism unit. We learned about quite a few artists around that time period. Here is a quick link to the Wikipedia article on Impressionism. I would highly suggest anyone interested in French artwork to meander on over to the page.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Tummy Hurts

I just got to sit down, and my stomach doesn't feel too well. I'm not sure why, but it can't be all bad. The aching feeling could be from all the sleep I didn't get this weekend. Like I said before, my sister came to visit. She was so much fun. My sister fit in quite well with all of my friends. One of them even made a comment about how we are so similar in terms of personality. We were going to attempt to take photos all weekend, but both of us kept forgetting to grab our cameras. Although we only got one photo, it was an excellent time. I planned on taking my sister to visit the Liberty Bell and such, but she doesn't enjoy history too much. One of my friends suggested shopping, so it was an easy change of plans. My two female friends from the Admissions Office took my sister and me to Center City. We all ended up in H&M. I was forced to buy a new pair of pants and collared shirt. The girls decided that I must wear the outfit, when we all went out to dinner later that evening. I always enjoy going out and looking nice, so I certainly had no problem with the catch. My sister loved it here, and I was so glad to see her. Since I don't go home on the weekends, I haven't seen her since Spring Break. I seriously had a wonderful time with my sister, and the shopping in Center City was amazing also. I can't wait until Memorial Day to see my sister again.