Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bored Like Usual

Well Christmas is now over. I am already back at Drexel for co-op. Since no one is really left on campus, I've had a lot of free time to do things around my suite. I started an all out cleaning project. I started with one side of my suite, and I'm slowly working around the entire place. So far, I've washed 6 loads of dishes (none happened to be mine somehow), scrubbed both showers, washed the bathroom sinks and counter tops, fully cleaned and sanitized the toilet room, and mopped/vacuumed half of the suite. Overall though, it is much better than when I started. I almost feel safe to walk around in my bare feet, but I still will refrain from doing so until someone brings in industrial cleaners.

Also with my free time, I've had the chance to reflect on many things throughout the year. Of course, there were some ups and downs. I would prefer to think that there were more ups, but I can't say that without feeling I just lied to myself. Many of the "ups" in the end were downs. It's quite unfortunate, but I'm certainly getting past them. I believe that I have moved on with my life, and now I'm looking for new and exciting opportunities. Sometimes I wish brainwashing existed. It seems that would be the best way to forget things, but I'm really not interested in joining a religious cult and drinking the special Kool-aid. With that being said, I'm starting to tap into other areas of my life. I'm also looking to go elsewhere in many aspects. If you're reading too far into this, I'm certainly not transferring schools or leaving for that matter. I just need a change of scenery and such. I hope that new paths open up in the near future that will allow me to do such traveling. This post is certainly vague in many aspects, and I don't think my closest friends would even be able to understand it. I just needed somewhere to write my thoughts. All in all, life is going well enough. Some things certainly could be better, but I feel rushing those things will only make them worse. In the future though, I plan on doing a 180 with my life. Things obviously aren't working out for me. Let's just hope there will be someone there to assist me along the way. Someone absolutely doesn't mean relationship, but I feel I might need some support. Well I think I'm done being vague for now, so I'm just going to end this post. If someone would like to decipher this message, feel free. Any comments or direction would be greatly appreciated. Times are changing for me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Unofficial Word

I would first like to apologize to everyone that wanted to be updated on my life. I got up at 330am yesterday, and I went to bed at 9pm. It was quite a long day, and I was tired. So now on to my story...

I got a text message from my mother yesterday, and she informed me that my CT Scan was read by a person in my cardiothoracic surgeon's office. This person indicated that everything was fine. I am now just awaiting the official results from my surgeon. I seriously thought it was going to be bad news, but now I'm thoroughly relieved.

If anything else develops with my lungs or life, I'll make sure to update everyone. Thanks again for listening to the wonderful life of Brian Sawford.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More Exciting News

I thought I'd revive my spring/summer blog this morning. I have some news that I thought everyone that facebook-stalks or rss-stalks might want to know. A few weeks ago, I had some chest pain again. It was on the same side as my lung problem this summer. I know what a lung collapse feels like, since my body decided to do it to me twice in three weeks. So after the very slight chest pain, I decided just to go and get my lung checked out. The results came back showing that I had a minor collapse, but this was to be expected. My lung never fully re-inflated from the surgery, and this was perfectly normal. So I had the chest x-rays shipped off to my doctor, and I didn't require any surgical procedure. Crisis Adverted! Recently though, I've been having the same minor chest pain, and I knew eventually it might cause a problem. I just decided to ignore it, since I'm working practically all the time. It would be detrimental to my work career, if I had to take some time off for health concerns. Well, last night I was speaking to my mother on the phone about plans for Thanksgiving Weekend. She informed me that my cardiothoracic surgeon (aka my doctor) called and wanted to schedule a CT Scan on Saturday. My mom said that he wasn't too thrilled about the x-ray films he received in the mail. My guess is that my lung isn't doing any better, and I'll most likely need to have surgery or something during my Winter Break. Hooray for me! As if my life couldn't get anymore exciting... Well I guess I'll just have to roll with the punches on this one. Feel free to stop by or text me if I do end up sitting in a hospital bed again. Well I have to get ready for work now. Have a great day everyone! *Thumbs Up*

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Due to recent events, I will not be going to the main campus of Pennsylvania State University this weekend. I have yet to decide if I want to spend the whole weekend at PSB or just come home early. I'm sorry folks. I know you are crushed. I might decide to possibly make a bus trip out for a weekend, during the school year. I'm sorry if I put anyone in a depression. I swear, I will visit one day. I just can't foresee any date at this point. I'm sorry once again.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It Calls My Name v2

I wrote a portion of this post earlier today, but I decided to watch a movie and scrap the post. It wasn't my greatest piece of work, so I thought it would just be easier to start over with version two. Here is the rewrite of the text...

If all goes according to plan, this weekend should be a Nittany Lion weekend. I would like to visit my friends at the Penn State Behrend and Main (University Park) campuses. I have to take into consideration the travel time along with my work schedule. As of now, my boss is expecting me to work everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday. I don't understand his logic considering he didn't want me to work the rest of the summer. I guess now that everyone is gone, he's under-staffed and needs me. If one would spend the time to analyze the situation, one might say that I now hold all the cards. Since I want to do my yearly visits, I propose the following as a rough schedule of events for this weekend.

6a - Wake Up Call
7a - Leave for Work
8a - Get to Work / Start Work
12p - Leave for Behrend
230p - Arrive at Behrend

9a - Leave Behrend for Main
1p - Arrive at Main

9a - Leave for Return Voyage
12p - Arrive Home
12:01p - Crash for the remainder of the day to recuperate

To be able to plan such a trip requires excellent timing and cruise control. If the trip is successful, I will be putting 544 miles on my car, and I will be spending about 9 hours 19 minutes in the cramped space that is my car. *cue commercial voice over* This statistical information is brought to you by Google Maps. Google Maps, they are ten times better than MapQuest. *end voice over* I really do hope everyone appreciates my contribute to global warming thanks to these little trips. I guess now that I wasted a few minutes of my life, I can get back to do my usual nothingness.

Periodic Table

I wanted to test out Blogger Mobile, so here is a picture of my newly painted wall.

Friday, August 31, 2007

End of Time (Most Likely Posts Though)

The last blog post I made was a bit depressing, and I do apologize for that post. I was just trying to get over everyone leaving me again. I have spent some time with the last standing college comrade, Chris Tomnay. He has kept home life interesting, since there isn't anything to in this town. As soon as Chris leaves though, I'm seriously all alone again. It isn't going to be fun.

I decided to return to Volkweins for the remainder of the summer. It will give me some extra funding and keep me busy. The last couple of days, I have been preparing for Customer Appreciation Day at work. We converted two warehouse rooms into "Super-Mega Blow-Out" clearance rooms. I highly suggest any interested in musical instruments, sheet music, free food, or prizes to stop by our Pittsburgh store tomorrow (Saturday, September 1st). I will be working and possibly helping out at the registers.

After I finish my work at Volkweins, I will be preparing for my return voyage to Drexel. I will be co-oping for Undergraduate Admissions. I'm really excited to be working with the incoming students and alongside my friends. So if anyone would like to see me, I'll certainly be around campus for the fall and winter quarters.

I would also like to end with a comment regarding this blog. It was initially created for incoming freshmen as a way to transition into the lifestyle of a college student, and I would like to think that this blog initially served its purpose. Eventually, the blog began to revolve around my life, and it strayed a bit from its objective. Since the freshmen will soon be entering Drexel, the need for my blog is no more. I might choose to return and post a few things, when I get bored. I can't make any promises, but I can say that Facebook automatically imports all of my posts, so I might decide to write something from time to time just to keep it active. It was wonderful have readers from the blogosphere and the Facebook community. I expect future posts just to be reflections on my feelings or exciting occurrences in my life. Thanks again everyone for your readership.