Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bored Like Usual

Well Christmas is now over. I am already back at Drexel for co-op. Since no one is really left on campus, I've had a lot of free time to do things around my suite. I started an all out cleaning project. I started with one side of my suite, and I'm slowly working around the entire place. So far, I've washed 6 loads of dishes (none happened to be mine somehow), scrubbed both showers, washed the bathroom sinks and counter tops, fully cleaned and sanitized the toilet room, and mopped/vacuumed half of the suite. Overall though, it is much better than when I started. I almost feel safe to walk around in my bare feet, but I still will refrain from doing so until someone brings in industrial cleaners.

Also with my free time, I've had the chance to reflect on many things throughout the year. Of course, there were some ups and downs. I would prefer to think that there were more ups, but I can't say that without feeling I just lied to myself. Many of the "ups" in the end were downs. It's quite unfortunate, but I'm certainly getting past them. I believe that I have moved on with my life, and now I'm looking for new and exciting opportunities. Sometimes I wish brainwashing existed. It seems that would be the best way to forget things, but I'm really not interested in joining a religious cult and drinking the special Kool-aid. With that being said, I'm starting to tap into other areas of my life. I'm also looking to go elsewhere in many aspects. If you're reading too far into this, I'm certainly not transferring schools or leaving for that matter. I just need a change of scenery and such. I hope that new paths open up in the near future that will allow me to do such traveling. This post is certainly vague in many aspects, and I don't think my closest friends would even be able to understand it. I just needed somewhere to write my thoughts. All in all, life is going well enough. Some things certainly could be better, but I feel rushing those things will only make them worse. In the future though, I plan on doing a 180 with my life. Things obviously aren't working out for me. Let's just hope there will be someone there to assist me along the way. Someone absolutely doesn't mean relationship, but I feel I might need some support. Well I think I'm done being vague for now, so I'm just going to end this post. If someone would like to decipher this message, feel free. Any comments or direction would be greatly appreciated. Times are changing for me.

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