Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More Exciting News

I thought I'd revive my spring/summer blog this morning. I have some news that I thought everyone that facebook-stalks or rss-stalks might want to know. A few weeks ago, I had some chest pain again. It was on the same side as my lung problem this summer. I know what a lung collapse feels like, since my body decided to do it to me twice in three weeks. So after the very slight chest pain, I decided just to go and get my lung checked out. The results came back showing that I had a minor collapse, but this was to be expected. My lung never fully re-inflated from the surgery, and this was perfectly normal. So I had the chest x-rays shipped off to my doctor, and I didn't require any surgical procedure. Crisis Adverted! Recently though, I've been having the same minor chest pain, and I knew eventually it might cause a problem. I just decided to ignore it, since I'm working practically all the time. It would be detrimental to my work career, if I had to take some time off for health concerns. Well, last night I was speaking to my mother on the phone about plans for Thanksgiving Weekend. She informed me that my cardiothoracic surgeon (aka my doctor) called and wanted to schedule a CT Scan on Saturday. My mom said that he wasn't too thrilled about the x-ray films he received in the mail. My guess is that my lung isn't doing any better, and I'll most likely need to have surgery or something during my Winter Break. Hooray for me! As if my life couldn't get anymore exciting... Well I guess I'll just have to roll with the punches on this one. Feel free to stop by or text me if I do end up sitting in a hospital bed again. Well I have to get ready for work now. Have a great day everyone! *Thumbs Up*

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