Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Due to recent events, I will not be going to the main campus of Pennsylvania State University this weekend. I have yet to decide if I want to spend the whole weekend at PSB or just come home early. I'm sorry folks. I know you are crushed. I might decide to possibly make a bus trip out for a weekend, during the school year. I'm sorry if I put anyone in a depression. I swear, I will visit one day. I just can't foresee any date at this point. I'm sorry once again.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It Calls My Name v2

I wrote a portion of this post earlier today, but I decided to watch a movie and scrap the post. It wasn't my greatest piece of work, so I thought it would just be easier to start over with version two. Here is the rewrite of the text...

If all goes according to plan, this weekend should be a Nittany Lion weekend. I would like to visit my friends at the Penn State Behrend and Main (University Park) campuses. I have to take into consideration the travel time along with my work schedule. As of now, my boss is expecting me to work everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday. I don't understand his logic considering he didn't want me to work the rest of the summer. I guess now that everyone is gone, he's under-staffed and needs me. If one would spend the time to analyze the situation, one might say that I now hold all the cards. Since I want to do my yearly visits, I propose the following as a rough schedule of events for this weekend.

6a - Wake Up Call
7a - Leave for Work
8a - Get to Work / Start Work
12p - Leave for Behrend
230p - Arrive at Behrend

9a - Leave Behrend for Main
1p - Arrive at Main

9a - Leave for Return Voyage
12p - Arrive Home
12:01p - Crash for the remainder of the day to recuperate

To be able to plan such a trip requires excellent timing and cruise control. If the trip is successful, I will be putting 544 miles on my car, and I will be spending about 9 hours 19 minutes in the cramped space that is my car. *cue commercial voice over* This statistical information is brought to you by Google Maps. Google Maps, they are ten times better than MapQuest. *end voice over* I really do hope everyone appreciates my contribute to global warming thanks to these little trips. I guess now that I wasted a few minutes of my life, I can get back to do my usual nothingness.

Periodic Table

I wanted to test out Blogger Mobile, so here is a picture of my newly painted wall.